About DSI

Our story

The DSI originates from a business need to the lack of security services for over 185,000 Canadian SMEs and from partners’ need to come together as a whole unit to covering all sectors of security. As security problems are mostly solved upon encounter, we propose a proactive and cost effective approach. Organizations often see only one side of security, cybersecurity, and by omitting the other areas, it can lead to other types of security vulnerabilities that may be exploited for different ill-intentioned purposes, such as spying and data theft.

Our strength

As entities seek to improve their global security against cyber threats, the opportunity has come for DSI to review the security strategy for organisations, with a more global and proactive approach to avoid or limit loss of credibility. Our strategic vision of security relies on the grouping of organizations whose expertises are renowned within one or several global security sectors, from physical security to cybersecurity, and IT. By unifying our strengths and knowledge, we are able to multiply our organisations tenfold and make them agile and able to deploy quickly without altering performance or quality.

See our servicesSee our servicesSee our services

Our methodology in global security


Starting from your reality

A complete understanding of your environment and context in its entirety is crucial in order to propose the most optimal solution, one that perfectly meets your needs.


Our convictions


First responsibility

Our partners, customers and employees as well as all other users of our security products and services all together.


Second responsibility

Respect of the diversity and the dignity of all our staff, in addition to the recognition of their merits. The sense of security and accomplishment must be felt within their work.


Third responsibility

Be financially responsible of our accomplishments and achievements. The return must be profitable and fair for all.